Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries


Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Hoobs factory.

Export of Products

Export of Hoobs products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Hoobs products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Hoobs: pipes, fittings, collectors, floor mats, quick installation equipment, radiator, shut-off valves, pumps, pumping stations, chimneys
  • Shut-off valves Hoobs
    Shut-off valves
    1510, 1511, etc.
  • Chimneys Hoobs
    Universal standard 60/100, etc.
  • Water heaters Hoobs
    Water heaters
    GLAZE 100F, GLAZE 100W, etc.
  • Accessories for underfloor heating systems Hoobs
    Accessories for underfloor heating systems
    HB-RPEVK-000012 and others.
  • Pipes Hoobs
    HB-STABI, HB-PEXEV, etc.
  • Fittings Hoobs
    HB-PEXFG, HB-PEXNS, etc.
  • Collectors Hoobs
    HB-INCGO, HB-INCTO, etc.
  • Mats for underfloor heating Hoobs
    Mats for underfloor heating
    HB-TPLA, HB-TPBE, etc.
  • Radiator fittings Hoobs
    Radiator fittings
    HB-7E00E3N-VA, etc.
  • Quick installation technique Hoobs
    Quick installation technique
    HB-21355N, HB-10321-ISO, etc.
  • Pumps and pumping stations Hoobs
    Pumps and pumping stations
    CTA 25, CTA 32, etc.
  • Shut-off valves Hoobs
    Shut-off valves
    1510, 1511, etc.
  • Chimneys Hoobs
    Universal standard 60/100, etc.
  • Water heaters Hoobs
    Water heaters
    GLAZE 100F, GLAZE 100W, etc.
  • Accessories for underfloor heating systems Hoobs
    Accessories for underfloor heating systems
    HB-RPEVK-000012 and others.
  • Pipes Hoobs
    HB-STABI, HB-PEXEV, etc.
  • Fittings Hoobs
    HB-PEXFG, HB-PEXNS, etc.
  • Collectors Hoobs
    HB-INCGO, HB-INCTO, etc.
  • Mats for underfloor heating Hoobs
    Mats for underfloor heating
    HB-TPLA, HB-TPBE, etc.


For sales and support please contact